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Latin abbreviations (except for et al.) are used only in material enclosed within parentheses; in running text, English equivalents such as that is, for example, and compare are used.


The article should begin with an informative abstract of 150–250 words. It should state the objectives of the work, summarize the results, and give the principal conclusions and recommendations. It is preferable that the abstract not be in the first person, and it should not contain any mathematical notation or cite references. Work planned but not completed should not appear.


Boldface is used for the first occurrence of a term: 〈 The agreement predicates are defined solely over unordered sets of features. 〉

Double quotation marks

Double quotes ("x") are used for

  1. Quotations (citations) within the text: 〈 He asserted that "no man is an island." 〉
  2. A coining or a special use of a word or phrase: 〈 The word "fractal" suggests something that is "fractured." 〉

Equations and Examples

All equations and examples in the article should be explicitly numbered, even if the text of the article does not explicitly refer to them. This enables others to refer to a specific equation or example when citing the article.


Whenever it does not impede the logic or readability of the article, footnote material should be integrated into text. When footnotes are used, they should usually be complete sentences, to make them readable as separate pieces of text. Sentence terminators should be used; the exception to this is when the only content of the footnote is a bare URL.

Footnote numbers go after the punctuation mark they are adjacent to (which should almost always be a sentence-ending punctuation mark).

In-text lists

In-text lists are introduced with (1), (2), (3), and so on.


Italics are used for

  1. Emphasis: 〈 We want to determine just why this happens. 〉
  2. Words or sentences used within the text: 〈 For example, persuade controls the subject of its complement, as in We persuaded John to leave.
  3. Foreign words or phrases not in common use in English: 〈 One would italicize pieta but not per se. 〉
  4. Book titles: 〈 ... as described in Chomsky's Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.


  1. If three or more items are conjoined, a comma appears before the and that precedes the last item: 〈 a, b, and c 〉.
  2. There is a comma after i.e. and e.g.
  3. There is no terminal punctuation following displayed equations.
  4. There is a comma in numerals 1,000 and above.
  5. Commas and periods appear inside double quotation marks; commas and periods appear outside single quotation marks (except in the colloquial English translation that follows a numbered, glossed non-English example). Semicolons and colons appear outside both single and double quotation marks.
  6. Decade names are written without an apostrophe: 〈 the 1990s 〉.


Percentage is expressed with the percentage symbol (%), always with a numeral, even for percentages less than 10: 95%, 8%.

Relative pronouns

That is used to introduce restrictive relative clauses; which is used to introduce nonrestrictive relative clauses.

Single quotation marks

Single quotes ('x') are used for the definition of a phrase or a foreign word/sentence: 〈 One usually defines etre as 'to be'. 〉

Spelling and capitalization

  1. American spelling conventions (e.g., behavior rather than behaviour, criticize rather than criticise) are observed throughout the journal.
  2. Full sentences following a colon begin with a capital letter.

Word choice

Article rather than paper refers to works within Computational Linguistics (〈 The research reported in this article 〉 rather than 〈 The research reported in this paper 〉). Paper is acceptable in reference to works other than the current one, if it can be appropriately applied (particularly in respect to papers presented at conferences and the like).

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Last Modified: 9th July 2013