You are here: Computational Linguistics > CL Style Guide > II. References


Text references

  1. If the author's name occurs in the text, the date is enclosed in parentheses:
  2. When the reference itself is within parentheses, and the parentheses enclose nothing other than references, the phrase e.g. or cf., or the words see or see also, the date is not enclosed in parentheses (note that no comma separates the author's name from the date):
  3. If the parentheses enclose other material, the date is enclosed in square brackets rather than parentheses:
  4. The word page is spelled out in citations:
  5. For works with one, two, or three authors, all authors' surnames are given in the in-text citation. For works with four or more authors, et al. (in roman type) replaces the surnames of all authors except the first. (The names of all authors are provided in the corresponding reference entry, regardless of the number of authors.)

Reference list

References should be listed alphabetically by author at the end of the article according to the following style. All authors must (where possible) have first names specified.

  1. Article in journal:
  2. Book:
  3. Article in edited collection/Chapter in book:
  4. Technical report:
  5. Thesis or dissertation:
  6. Unpublished item:
  7. Conference proceedings:
  8. Paper published in conference proceedings:

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Last Modified: 14th March 2011