You are here: Computational
Linguistics > CL Style Guide > III. Word List
- A-chain (A-bar-chain)
- A-position
- AltaVista
- ambiguity-preserving generation
- analog
- anaphora generation (n., adj.)
- anaphora resolution methods
- appendix, appendices
- AP Treebank
- artificial intelligence (n., adj.)
- attribute-value grammars
- automatic speech recognition (n., adj.)
- back off (v.)
- back-off (n., adj.)
- backing off (n.)
- backing-off (adj.)
- back pointer (n.)
- back-pointer array
- backpropagation
- backtracking
- backward [exception: backwards dictionary]
- backward-looking center
- balanced tree structures
- Bayes' law (theorem, rule)
- beam search algorithm
- best-match translation model
- best-performing system
- bigram-class information
- bilexical
- bilingual sentence-aligned corpus
- binding and accommodation theory
- binding principles A, B, C
- binding-theoretic evidence
- binomial frequency data
- binomial hypothesis theorem
- bit-parallel
- bitvector
- bootstrapping
- bound variable (n.)
- bound-variable (adj.)
- breadth-first search
- Brown corpus
- byproduct
- canceled, canceling
- case 1, case 2 (etc.)
- case frame patterns
- Center Continuation
- Center Establishment
- Center Retain
- Center Shift
- centering
- centering model
- centering theory
- chapter 7 (etc.)
- chart parser
- chi-square test
- Chomsky adjunction
- Chomsky normal form
- chunk parser
- class-based interpolated
- closed class (n.)
- closed-class (adj.)
- code set
- coexist
- cognitive science (n., adj.)
- collative semantics
- combinatory categorial grammar
- Common Lisp
- common sense (n.)
- commonsense (adj.)
- compile time (n.)
- compile-time (adj.)
- complete-link clustering
- complex NP assumption
- computational linguistics (n., adj.)
- computer-assisted language learning
- constituent-matching flexibility
- constituent structure (c-structure)
- constraint logic programming
- construction-specific rules
- context-free grammar formalisms
- context-group disambiguation
- context-sensitive modeling
- Continue [in centering theory]
- continuous-density model
- continuous-speech recognition
- conversational move boundaries
- co-occur
- co-occurrence
- Cooper storage
- corefer
- coreference
- corequirement
- corpus-dependent translations
- cost-effective
- co-training
- counterevidence
- cross-coding
- cross entropy (n.)
- cross-language
- cross-linguistic
- cross-linguistically
- cross-lingual
- cross-linking
- cross product (n.)
- cross-ranking
- cross-training
- cross-validate
- cross-validation
- cut and paste (v., n.)
- cut-and-paste (adj.)
- database
- database corpus
- data set
- data structure
- decision tree (n., adj.)
- deep structure (n., adj.)
- dependency grammar approach
- dialogue
- discourse-initial utterance
- discourse segment boundaries
- discourse-new
- discourse-old
- discrete-mixture model
- dispersion-focalization principle
- domain-independent syntactic FUG surge
- domain-knowledge hierarchy
- draft-building pass
- dynamic predicate logic
- dynamic programming algorithm
- e-mail
- empty channel (n.)
- empty-channel (adj.)
- empty word (n.)
- empty-word (adj.)
- end-of-string symbol
- end user
- English-only input
- equation (1) [etc.]
- error backpropagation
- error-correcting output encoding
- example (1) [etc.]
- expectation maximization (n.)
- expectation-maximization (adj.)
- Experiment 1
- fan-out (n., adj.)
- fan out (v.)
- feature description language
- feature-geometric representation
- feature-ranking computation
- feed-forward neural networks
- feedback set (n.)
- feedback-set (adj.)
- Figure 1 (etc.)
- file change semantics
- finer-grained pass
- finite state (n.)
- finite-state (adj.)
- first-order HMM (etc.)
- fixed-length lists
- fixed-word-order languages
- floating-point rounding errors
- focused, focusing
- formulas
- forward-looking center
- forward-traversed arcs
- free word order (n.)
- free-word-order (adj.)
- frequency-dependent interpolation
- full brevity algorithm
- full coverage (n.)
- full-coverage (adj.)
- full-word-form representation
- functional centering
- functional structure (f-structure)
- fuzzy matching (n.)
- fuzzy-matching (adj.)
- Gainen Base [no italics]
- garden path sentence
- Gaussian
- generalized iterative scaling algorithm
- generalized phrase structure grammar
- generative lexicon
- generative semantic analysis
- goal weakening (n.)
- goal-weakening (adj.)
- gold standard (n.)
- gold-standard (adj.)
- grammatical function (n., adj.)
- grammatical-function-based
- grid point
- graph-theoretic
- group-average agglomerative clustering
- groupware
- hand-coding
- hand-encoding
- hapax word
- hardwire
- head-child [but: nonhead child]
- head-choice (n., adj.)
- head-dependent distinction
- head-driven phrase structure grammar
- head-driven statistical models
- head-finder
- head-finding (n., adj.)
- head-generation (n., adj.)
- head label (n., adj.)
- head-lexicalization (n., adj.)
- head modifier (n.)
- head-modifier (adj.)
- head nonterminal (n., adj.)
- head-rule (n., adj.)
- head table
- head tag (n., adj.)
- headword
- hearer-new
- hearer-old
- hidden Markov model
- hierarchical lexicon models
- human language (n., adj.)
- incremental algorithm
- index, indices
- information-retrieval metrics
- information-theoretic
- initial-state annotator
- in scope (adv.)
- in-scope (adj.)
- International Phonetic Alphabet
- Internet
- inverted-oriented production
- keyword
- knowledge acquisition bottleneck
- knowledge representation language
- knowledge-base-accessing system
- labeled, labeling
- language understanding process
- language-independent machine
- language-learning pedagogy
- language-modeling system
- language-particular ranking
- language-processing tasks
- language-processing modules
- language-specific errors
- Latin square (n., adj.)
- learning-based coreference engine
- least squares regression
- left-branching tree (also: right-branching)
- left-right centering
- left to right (adv.)
- left-to-right (adj.)
- letter-tree recognizer
- lexical chain (n., adj.)
- lexical choice (n., adj)
- lexical-functional grammar
- lexical rule specification language
- lexical scope (n., adj.)
- lexical semantics (n., adj.)
- lexical score assignment
- lexical-knowledge-based approaches
- lexicogrammatical
- lexicosemantic
- lexicostructural
- lexicon entries
- lexicons (also allow: lexica)
- list-structured formalism
- log-likelihood (n., adj.)
- log-linear
- log-probability
- machine-assisted translation
- machine-implemented knowledge base
- machine learning (n.)
- machine-learning (adj.)
- machine-readable
- machine translation systems
- Master Metaphor List
- matrices
- maximum-brackets parse
- maximum-entropy model
- maximum-likelihood estimation
- maximum-likelihood parse
- McNemar's test
- memoization
- model 1, model 2 (etc.)
- model-growing method
- modeled, modeling
- model-theoretic
- Modern Hebrew
- morpho-lexical
- morpho-syntactic
- morphotactics
- multiple-inheritance (adj.)
- multiple-output conversion algorithm
- naive
- naive Bayes classifier
- naive Bayesian ensemble
- named entity recognition
- n-ary
- natural language (n., adj.)
- natural language generation
- natural-deduction system
- natural-language-generating system
- natural-language-processing system
- natural-language-understanding system
- nearest neighbor (n.)
- nearest-neighbor (adj.)
- neural network (n., adj.)
- never-splitting sequences
- n-gram
- noisy-channel model
- non-finite-state procedure
- nonhead child
- non-native
- non-negative
- non-negligible
- non-normalized
- non-noun
- non-null
- non-numeric
- non–tone language
- noun phrase antecedent
- (an) NP
- NPs (plural of NP)
- NP's (possessive of NP)
- NP-complete
- off-line
- one-sense-per-discourse heuristic
- on-line
- on-the-fly (adj.)
- on the fly (adv.)
- ontology-engineering architecture
- ontology-learning architecture
- open class (n.)
- open-class (adj.)
- optimality theory
- outperform
- parameter estimation algorithm
- Pareto-optimal
- Pareto ranking (n., adj.)
- parse forest
- parser-output trees
- part of speech (n.)
- part-of-speech (adj.)
- part-of-speech-tagged corpus
- pattern-matching method
- Penn Treebank (Penn-II Treebank, Penn-III Treebank)
- Ph.D.
- Ph.D. thesis
- phonological-rule induction algorithm
- phrase structure grammar
- phrase structural position
- POS-language models
- POS tagging
- POS-tagging errors
- Prague Dependency Bank
- predicate-argument structure
- pre-fixed (meaning "fixed in advance")
- prepositional phrase (n.)
- prepositional-phrase (adj.)
- present-tense (adj.)
- probabilistic context-free grammars
- probabilistic feature grammars
- probability mass function
- proper noun (n.)
- proper-noun (adj.)
- proto-allophones
- proto-phonemes
- pseudo–disambiguation task
- public-domian programs
- push-back operation
- pushdown (n., adj.)
- push down (v.)
- Q-structure
- qualia structure (n., adj.)
- quantifier-raising approach
- quasi synonyms
- query processing (n.)
- query-processing (adj.)
- question answering (n.)
- question-answering (adj.)
- random number generator
- range concatenation grammar
- real time (n.)
- real-time (adj.)
- real-world programming
- re-create
- red-herring debate
- reentrancy
- resolution rate
- Retain [in centering]
- rhetorical structure theory
- right-branching tree
- right-sibling
- Rough Shift
- route follower
- route giver
- rule set
- rule-induction technique
- run time (n.)
- run-time (adj.)
- S-dominated C-structure tree
- search space (n.)
- search-space (adj.)
- section 1.1 (etc.)
- semantic cohesion value
- semantic distance metric
- semantic similarity measure
- semantic space (n.)
- semantic-space (adj.)
- semantic type coercion
- the Semantic Web
- SemCor
- semiautomatically
- sense-clustering algorithm
- sense-tagged corpus
- sense-tagging corpora
- sentence-aligned parallel bilingual corpus
- sentence alignment techniques
- sentence boundary disambiguation
- sentence-initial position
- sentence-level grammatical function
- set-theoretic (adj.)
- signaled, signaling
- shift-reduce parser
- shortest-path problem
- single-link clustering
- single-string automaton
- small-worlds property
- Smooth Shift [in centering]
- source language (n., adj.)
- sparse-data problem
- spell-checker
- spell-checking (n., adj., v.)
- spreading activation mechanism
- standard letter-tree recognizer
- statistical alignment method
- statistical language models
- statistical parsing approach
- step 1, step 2, etc.
- stop list
- stopword
- stress acquisition model
- structure-building module
- sub-sequence
- support-verb constructions
- surface-scope-preserving representations
- syntactic-function-based
- Table 3 (etc.)
- tail-recursive parses
- target language (n., adj.)
- term expansion (n., adj.)
- term extraction (n., adj.)
- test data (n., adj.)
- test set (n., adj.)
- text analysis task
- text data mining
- text generation process
- text-planning process
- text-processing program
- thematic-relation hypothesis
- Theorem 1, Theorem 2, etc.
- theorem proving (n.)
- thesauruses
- third-person pronoun
- time series (n., adj.)
- top level (n.)
- top-level (adj.)
- topic prominence
- topic-linked concentrated word usage
- training data (n.)
- training-data (adj.)
- training set (n.)
- training-set (adj.)
- tree-adjoining grammar
- tree-adjoining parsing
- treebank
- treebanking
- tree-configurational relationship
- tree cut model
- tree search algorithm
- tree-sentence pair
- tree set
- tree substitution grammar
- trigrams
- t-test
- two-level transducer
- type-checking system
- unigram language model
- unknown-word (adj.)
- user model info
- vector space (n., adj.)
- verb-forming processes
- very-high-dimensional spaces
- voice mail
- voweled
- Wall Street Journal (italicized when the publication itself, specifically, is referred to)
- Wall Street Journal corpus (no italics)
- Wall Street Journal Treebank (no italics)
- Web
- Webmaster
- Web-mining (adj.)
- Web mining (n.)
- Web site
- weighted deduction system
- weighted deductive parsing
- weighted majority algorithm
- wh-movement
- white space
- wide-coverage pure unification grammars
- wide-scope brackets
- Wizard-of-Oz dialogue (models, experiments, etc.)
- word alignment (n., adj.)
- word-based n-gram models
- word boundary (n., adj.)
- word class (n., adj.)
- word-for-word translation
- word formation (n., adj.)
- word-frequency distribution
- word list (n., adj.)
- WordNet
- word object (n., adj.)
- word reordering (n.)
- word-reordering (adj.)
- word segmentation (n., adj.)
- word segmenter (n., adj.)
- word sense (n., adj.)
- word stream (n., adj.)
- word string cover relation
- word token (n., adj.)
- word type (n., adj.)
- World Wide Web
- workhorse
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Last Modified: 9th July 2013