You are here: Computational Linguistics


The Computational Linguistics journal is the primary archival forum for research on computational linguistics and natural language processing. The journal, sponsored by the Association for Computational Linguistics, has been published for the ACL by MIT Press since 1988, and has been Open Access since the beginning of 2009. All issues published by MIT Press are freely available to all at the official MIT Press website for the journal. Issues prior to 1988, as well as the issues published by MIT Press, are also available via the ACL Anthology.

The site you are currently visiting serves as an informal repository for information and resources related to the journal. If there is information that you think it would be useful to have here, drop the Editor an email.

My Tenure as the Editor-in-Chief of Computational Linguistics
Hwee Tou Ng (Editor-in-Chief, 2018-2023)

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Computational Linguistics on Language Learning, Representation, and Processing in Humans and Machines

Announcement: Average time to first decision (46 days) and CL impact factor (9.3)

Editorial Team

Information about Submitting to the Journal

What To Do Once Your Article is Accepted

Information about the Journal's Processes

Useful Lists

Please send comments or queries about this web site to
Last Modified: 11 July 2021